All You Need to Know About Root Canals

Root Canals are a procedure that primarily seeks to repair and save the damaged tooth without having to remove it. The treatment consists of removing the damaged part of the tooth, repairing it, cleaning it and disinfecting it and then filling and sealing it.

Usually, they use amalgam or composite to perform the reconstruction process. Although in more serious situations the tooth is covered with a denture or dental crown.

What Are The Phases of a Root Canal?

  1. The dentist examines you as a first step. 
  2. Then a series of x-rays are taken to determine the appropriate procedure. 
  3. Local anesthesia is applied to avoid any pain and discomfort throughout the process. 
  4. Then the dentist proceeds to perform the isolation of the tooth. It is done by placing a staple to prevent infections and keep it clean of saliva. 
  5. The dentist performs the opening of the area to intervene called cameral suture. If it is a front tooth, it is made from the back of the tooth, while if it is a molar or a premolar, it is carried out by the crown. 
  6. Dentists then proceed to remove the damaged tissue, this process is known as pulpectomy. 
  7. Subsequently, a good cleaning and disinfection of the root canals and the pulp cavity is performed. 
  8. The shutter is performed. This consists of filling the tooth cavity with a special material. 
  9. Finally, it is sealed and ready. Your tooth will have the same functionality as always. 

Are Root Canals Painful?

The fear of root canals is typically due to the intense pain that patients could feel throughout the procedure. But this affliction is not due to the procedure itself, but is caused by decay or infection.

When a root canal treatment is required, it is because decay and infection have advanced damaging a large part of the pulp of the tooth. This causes intense pain that must be taken care of. Your endodontist only seeks to relieve that pain by removing damaged tissue.

Currently there are various types of anesthesia and surgical techniques that reduce the pain and the discomforts of the treatment. Some specialists recommend taking medication to relieve pain the days after the procedure. 

Are Regular Dental Checkups Important?

Regular dental checkups are very important. Even though people think that their teeth are in good condition, frequent visits might help you protect your body from any future healthcare issues.

What Happens on a Dental Appointment?

here are two phases of a regular dental visit: Routine Checkup where the teeth are examined or cleaned Oral prophylaxis On a dental checkup, a dentist will check your mouth for cavities which may require taking an X-ray to detect cavities that are not clearly visible. The exam will also check for tartar and plaque on the teeth. Plaque is usually very clear and is a sticky bacteria layer. Once the teeth have been checked, your gums will be checked. This is done with a special tool to measure how much space there is between the gums and teeth. Your checkup must be carried out by a dental professional with years of experience so that he may examine your throat, neck, face, and tongue as well. This is important to see that there is any redness, swelling or signs of cancer.

What you should between your visits?

Be sure that you take care of your gums and teeth between your visits. There is a wise saying “Precaution is better than cure”. Plaque is something that keeps on forming on the teeth, but you can manage it through regular flossing and brushing.

Here are some excellent tips that you can follow to keep your oral health intact.

  • Brushing your teeth regularly at least twice a day will keep your oral hygiene in the best possible shape. Make sure that your toothpaste contains fluoride.
  • Daily flossing
  • Use a mouthwash daily to make sure all food particles are removed as well.

What is the Right Age to get a Dental Checkup?

It is essential to make sure oral hygiene is taken care of from a young age, as it is far easier to make changes and provide treatment. If your kid has crooked, crowded or missing teeth. Schedule them for the checkup. However, it is highly recommended to start the practice as soon as possible.

All about Dental Inlays

The Inlay is a type of restoration is performed inside the mouth in the posterior or anterior sector. It consists of a coating whose function is to preserve the healthy structure that remains of a tooth. The tooth is cemented to replace the structure lost by decay, fracture or wear. They are performed in a laboratory using working models from the patient’s mouth.

How to prepare a dental inlay

Preparation for a dental inlay follows a pattern common to any type of encrustation. They are designed with divergent walls towards the outer walls of the cavity. The floors are left flat to make the restoration support stable. Finally, the angles are rounded to increase the resistance of the tooth to repair. The practice of grooves or bevels is completely omitted and a termination with amplitude and chamfer is sought (according to the desired dental aesthetic). Retentive spaces remaining in the cavity walls are filled with the glass ionomer.

Glass ionomer in dental encrustation

The glass ionomer modified with nano-charged resin (on the right side, rated as 2 occlusally and 1 gingival) and the high viscosity glass ionomer cement (on the left side; rated as 0 for occlusal and gingival) Class V cavities are applied to the same tooth. Next, an impression of the cavity is made by addition silicones or poly-ethers. For cases of dental inlays that are performed by dental CADCAM procedure, an optical/digital impression is made. This is carried out by means of a device designed to obtain an image of the cavity in the monitor. Using that image, you start designing the restoration. As a next step, a robotic process carves the embedding on a block of prepared material in a few minutes. The cavity is protected by a temporary seal while preparing and cementing the inlay. This type of temporary restoration is made with the same criteria as composite inlays. Once the laboratory preparation of the restoration is finished, it is tested in the mouth after removing the provisional seal. The cemented porcelain inlay is practically the same as that of composite. The difference lies in the conditioning of the surface of the dental porcelain. The porcelain inlay is treated with hydrofluoric acid or fluorinated ammonium before cementation. Next, the surface is silanized. After adding the embedding on the cavity, the excess cement is removed. Then, it is polymerized with halogen light according to conventional guidelines. Once the inlay is cemented, all occlusal contact is verified. It is retouched with fine-grained diamond strawberries. Then, it is polished with abrasive rubber suitable for the case and with polishing paste. In cast glass and apatite ceramics, color and characterization can be eliminated. This is done in cases where the restoration is “high” and it is necessary to remove material.

Dental inlays, on-lay and overlay

There are three types of dental inlays: inlays, on-lays and overlays. These aesthetic restorations are intended to repair endodontic posterior teeth or of great destruction by caries. Its use extends to the restoration of cracked or fractured posterior teeth. This, in cases where the destruction of the dental structure is not serious enough to need a dental crown. Inlay type inlay consists of one that does not cover any dental cusp. The onlay comes to cover at least one cusp, but without covering them all. Overlay is an inlay of full cusp covering. The techniques for its preparation are called direct, semi-direct and indirect. Direct technique is an intraoral process of a single appointment. It is indicated in restorations of preventive type and small and medium sizes. The semi-direct technique is a procedure that can be carried out intra or extra orally. Cemented restorations are made in the clinic. These can be applied in a long or two short appointments. It is suitable for medium or large size restorations. In the indirect technique the laboratory intervenes in the manufacturing process. It requires more than one appointment for its correct elaboration. It applies to large restorations.
Dimayuga Dental