Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

When teeth are lost, they can be replaced with realistic, durable, and secure dental implants. These fake teeth are inserted into the jaw with artificial roots. Once present, they mimic the look and feel of natural teeth, leaving your smile complete and functionality restored.

Missing teeth pose not only a cosmetic setback, but they can also negatively impact the overall health of your mouth. Missing space in your smile opens up room for adjacent teeth to shift. As they move towards that area and change positions they become more susceptible to tooth decay, gum disease, and TMJ. Our dental implants will not only give you back your tooth, but it will also keep the rest of your mouth aligned and healthy. Most patients who are missing teeth are viable candidates for an implant as long as they have enough bone present to support a new fake tooth.

When inserting an implant, we first make a small incision to open the gums. Holes are then drilled into the bone for a metal post to be inserted into. Once present, the bone cells in the jaw begin to attach themselves to the metal implant. After a strong foundation is developed, an abutment is attached to the implant and the gum tissue is closed around the side of it, leaving the top exposed. After the gums heal, impressions of remaining teeth are made and are used to create the mold for the crown of a new tooth. The area will need to heal and when the jawbone has regained strength, the new tooth is attached.

If you’re thinking you would be a good candidate for a dental implant, please give us a call and we’d be happy to talk further about the procedure. 

Dimayuga Dental