Dental X-Rays

Dental X-Rays

Dental X-Rays

Dental x-rays are machines that capture photographs of the interior and exterior of the teeth and gums. Used to evaluate oral health, they’re utilized to spot issues like impacted teeth, cavities, and tooth decay. These snapshots provide our team as well as you with the assurance that we’re approaching your oral health with a full understanding of your mouth.

Dental x-rays are performed to obtain a clear picture of your dental health. They’re valuable machines to be used for preventative measures and to assess current problems. Common issues like impacted wisdom teeth, cavities, decay, and the growth of adult teeth in children are all assessed through these photos.

Different types of dental x-rays are used to capture a variety of views of the mouth. Bitewing x-rays assess how well your crowns match up and can check for cavities in the teeth. To see how well your bottom and top teeth line up, an occlusal x-ray is taken. Panoramic shots are captured by rotating the machine around the head, checking for wisdom teeth and jaw problems. To assess teeth from root to crown, a periapical x-ray is administered. From all of these angles, we can determine proper measures and treatments for our patients. Whether you’re coming in for a standard check-in or are assessing a dental issue, x-rays provide us with the perspective we need to ensure proper treatment. If you would like to learn more about our dental x-rays, give us a call, and we would be happy to talk further about our machines and processes. 

Dimayuga Dental