Root Canals

Root Canals

Root Canals

When the inside of a tooth is infected, a root canal may be in order to address the source of the problem. By removing the affected part of the tooth and disinfecting the area, this treatment can salvage a tooth, preventing further decay and the need for an extraction. Root canals can also provide relief for pain being caused by the infection. If left untreated, the bacteria inside of the tooth could spread to surrounding tissue. This could result in a swollen face, head, and neck as well as bone loss at the tip of the root.

Signs of an infection include sensitivity, especially when coming in contact with hot or cold temperatures. If you’re experiencing this, you may need a root canal. Bacteria in the teeth can cause severe pain. If you’re suffering from any discomfort, relief could be just around the corner after a root canal.

The procedure starts with an x-ray that assesses the shape of the canal and whether an infection is present. The area is numbed and then a hole is drilled into the affected tooth. From the hole, the pulp that is infected with bacteria is removed and the area is cleaned by scraping out the sides of the canal. Patients walk away relieved and affected areas become less prone to bacteria.

If you’re interested in learning more or think a root canal may be of benefit to you, contact us today and we would be happy to schedule a consultation.

Dimayuga Dental